Advocacy for Band Matters!
Please support the upcoming Mercer Island Schools Bond, April 2025
This upcoming bond will provide IMS with a multi-purpose/black-box theater. Our current middle school does not have a dedicated performing arts space. It will also revitalize equipment, materials, acoustics, and lighting within the performing arts center and gym at the high school.
Bond - April 2025 - Mercer Island School District 400
Advocate for school funding!
Our legislature does not currently provide us (or other districts statewide) with the true cost of state-mandated education programs such as special education and transportation, and our district is facing budget challenges. Ensure that we don't suffer cuts to our arts program by advocating for state funding! Sign up here for action alerts during the legislative session: Action Alerts - WSPTA and learn more here: WAK12
Band is a multi-year class, not a one semester elective! Middle school and high school parents, make sure to ask your student's counselor or registrar about how to ensure they can take band for their entire tenure at school.