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Town Hall: School Funding Crisis

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

7:00-8:30 PM at Sammamish High School (100 140th Ave SE, Bellevue WA 98005)

School districts across the state are facing budgetary crises because funding from the state has not kept pace with operating costs. Our district is dedicated to maintaining programs like sports, arts, and other important components of our district that our community prizes, but there is only so much they can do in the face of inadequate state funding. This is why we are partnering with numerous other districts: PTA, parents, teachers, district administrators, school board officials, to come together and ask our legislators to meet their constitutional obligation and fund the actual cost of education. It is essential that we have as many parents joining us as possible, as the legislature is facing its own budget crisis and will not be motivated to make these funds available without significant advocacy. Please join us and preserve the programs that we value! Please circulate this flyer among your parents/constituents, and please urge them to attend! 

We need YOU and we need your voice!

Schools across our state are in a budget crisis, as our state fails to pay the actual cost of education. Join us to learn more and tell our legislators we want our schools fully funded. When enough parents speak up, we will be able to prevent the cuts / closures that so many of our Eastside districts are facing. 

For questions please contact: 


The Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters was formed to actively support, promote, and encourage the Mercer Island Band Program.  The Mercer Island Band Program is a proudly no-cut, non-competitive, all inclusive band program with over 700 students in grades 5-12 participating. MISBB provides support to the program and ensures each and every student may participate in band and its activities. Through fundraising events, donors, and sponsors, we enable scholarships, clinics, one-on-one musical support, leadership opportunities, training, and unique musical opportunities for our band program and so much more.  Questions? Contact us.

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MISBB is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, tax ID number 27-4163270.

PO Box 1471, Mercer Island, WA  98040

© 2019-2024 Mercer Island Schools Band Boosters

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