In 5th grade, my directors taught me perseverance and creativity, when I attempted my first notes on the flute. In 8th grade jazz band, sitting in an improv circle with an alto saxophone in my hands, I was encouraged to be brave and take risks. In 9th grade, sprinting across the football field in the pouring rain for "one last rep" of our show, I learned about teamwork and determination. In 11th grade, sitting in the high school gym listening to the echoing resonance of Wind Ensemble's Fine Arts Showcase performance, I embraced the power of musicality. And my senior year, given the opportunity to be a student leader, I learned about initiative and decision-making.
The MISD Band staff created these experiences for me. Their love and dedication to each and every student, of every age and ability, is unmatched. I didn't just learn how to play an instrument, I learned how to be a better person. I learned how to be the best version of myself.
If students are the priority, then the district must continue to support the band program's staff. Each of the band directors at MISD are invaluable for the growth of the districts' students. Their impact is far-reaching, long-lasting and incredibly unique.
~Meghana Kakubal, Class of 2020