People often ask me why I support the MISD Band program to the extent that I do. There are so many reasons - The exposure to a world class music education experience. My children are musicians! They love and understand and enjoy music, at the highest level. The MISD Band program also brought 5 adults into my children's lives for 8 years! That level of personal understanding and relational experience is so rare. The Band program taught my children how to live into what it means to be inclusive where every person is a valuable asset for the success of the whole. In short, this MISD Band program grows humans. Kind, grateful, competent, resilient, collaborative, hard-working humans. The McLellan family is profoundly thankful.
~Jennifer McLellan, parent of Douglas (Class of 2013), Emily (Class of 2015), Matthew (Class of 2017), Scott (Class of 2019)

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